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Albert G. Miller

Albert G. MillerAlbert G. Miller is assistant professor of American religious history at Oberlin College near Cleveland, Ohio, and adjunct instructor of urban youth ministry at Fuller Theological Seminary and Eastern Baptist Seminary. Ordained as a senior minister in The House of the Lord Pentecostal Church in Brooklyn, New York, Miller has published numerous books including Reconstructing Civilization: Theophilus G. Steward and the Quest for an African American Theology and Civil Society. The 1995-1996 recipient of a Ford Fellowship in the Humanities, Miller has worked with adolescents not only through the church, but also as a family counselor, group home director, community organizer, addictions program administrator, Young Life staff member, and educator.(Bio dated 1997)
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What Jesus Christ and African American Teenagers Are Telling the African American Church
Year: 1997
Theme: At-Risk Youth, At-Risk Church: What Jesus Christ and American Teenagers are Saying to the Mainline Church